Participating in Standards Development
AAMI's standards program is global! By actively participating in any of our more than 170 committees and working groups, you can have a direct role in shaping medical device and health technology standards. You'll work side-by-side with industry colleagues, clinicians, academicians, and regulators like the Food and Drug Administration.
Alert: ISO/TC210 Stakeholder Survey on the IMDRF has been released. Please click the button below to participate in this survey.
IMDRF Essential Principles Survey
Join a Committee
Be a part of more than 170 committees and working groups at the heart of standards development.
Join a committeeEffective Participation
These resources guide you in active and effective participation.
Access AAMI StMPBenefits of Participation for Companies
Companies that participate actively in standards development activities reduce costs, increase efficiencies, facilitate and maintain market access, and gain a more competitive advantage than those who do not participate.
Companies who are most successful in their sectors recognize that standards and conformance are business tools that should be managed right alongside their quality, safety, intellectual property, and environmental policies. In addition, standardization and conformity assessment activities lead to lower costs by reducing redundancy, minimizing errors, and reducing time to market.
And demonstrating compliance to standards helps your products, services and personnel to cross borders, ensuring that products manufactured in one country can be sold and used in another. Furthermore, your business can— not only reduce the economic risk of research and development activities by participating in standardization—you can also lower your overall R&D costs by relying on previously standardized technologies and terminologies.
If an individual is directly or indirectly funded by a company or consulting firm and is representing their company's or firm's interests, the company or consulting firm must pay a committee fee which is waived for corporate members.
Please visit the AAMI Membership page for more information about joining AAMI or becoming a committee fee payer.
AAMI Standards Department- Staff Introductions
Benefits of Participation for Individuals
Developed by groups of engineers and other experts, voluntary standards are the result of cooperation between technical professionals, companies, industry groups, and government and consumer representatives. They represent the combined expertise of those who have a stake in the technology, working to agree upon requirements and best practices.
Products that take consumer needs into account are more likely to be accepted into the marketplace, and more likely to be adopted into regulation where applicable.
Involvement in standardization not only promotes safer, healthier, and more environmentally sound products and services, it also increases confidence in the quality and reliability of products and services available, and provides a greater selection of goods and services at lower costs.
Individual domestic (U.S.) and individual international members of AAMI may participate on standards committees if they represent "user" or "general interest" (e.g., work full-time as a clinician, healthcare professional, academician, or patient advocate, or otherwise have a demonstrable, non-commercial material interest in a committee's work).
Please visit the AAMI Membership page for more information about joining AAMI or becoming a committee fee payer.
Our Standards Philosophy
- AAMI’s standards philosophy is grounded in the principle that standards should only be developed when there is clear need and that there should be at most one product/process and one standard, worldwide. Learn more.
Standards Monitor
- Stay up to date and get the latest activity in the world of standards delivered to your inbox by subscribing to our Standards Monitor Online newsletter.
Frequently Asked Questions
Got a question? We've got answers. Review our full set of FAQs here. If you can't find what you are looking for, please fill out our question form below and we'll get back to you.
PLEASE NOTE: While AAMI staff can provide general assistance in identifying appropriate resources to address inquiries, we are not healthcare technology experts; we cannot and will not provide interpretations of AAMI standards or guidance beyond what is addressed in the standards, and we will not provide advice on the application of standards content to particular practices or situations. Any general information provided should not be considered a substitute for expert or legal advice.