Join a Standards Committee

The more than 170 committees and working groups of volunteer technical experts are the heart of AAMI's global standards development program. Each AAMI technical committee and U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) has a defined scope of work and operates under established policies and procedures.

AAMI technical committees and working groups make recommendations concerning the need for new standards and other technical publications within its area of competency and expertise, determines when a document needs to be revised, drafts new and revised technical documents, and develops committee and public consensus on those drafts. Other duties, which occur less frequently, include developing consensus on official interpretations of standards and advising AAMI on responses to government initiatives and other public policy matters within the committee's area of work.

U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) develop national consensus on international standards and technical information reports (TIR) out for comment or vote. TAGs also make recommendations regarding other aspects of international standards participation such as U.S. positions on international new work items, formation of U.S. delegations to international committee and subcommittee meetings, and nomination of US experts to international working groups.

Many AAMI committees and working groups review international documents within their subject matter area to determine whether to adopt them as national standards or AAMI TIRs.

AAMI Application for Committee Membership or Liaison Status

Application for Committee Membership or Liaison Status

Please note: Individuals representing a corporate entity require approval and role assignment (primary, alternate, non-voting liaison) from their main AAMI corporate representative prior to confirmation on any committee. If you do not know who your primary corporate representative is, please email AAMI at:


Contact Information
*A single individual participating in AAMI consensus standards development may only represent a single entity.

Interest Category

(as defined in Section 4.5 of the AAMI Policies and Procedures)

Please indicate below the interest category that you will represent*:


Select a choice

*AAMI reserves the right to change the declared interest category if determined to be warranted.



AAMI Membership Status

Please indicate your membership status below:

Please note: AAMI's policy states that those working for commercial entities or consulting firms must pay a fee to participate on AAMI Standards Committees. This fee is waived for those who represent AAMI corporate members. There is not a fee for individuals that do not work for a company or consulting firm who wish to participate on a standards committee. Please contact to learn about your available options.


Please include with your application a current copy of your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume.



Committee(s)/Working Group(s)/TAG(s) of interest

Please indicate below which committee, working group or TAG you are interested in (for a complete list of committees and working groups, click here). Please select just one committee role.


Select a choice
Select a choice
Select a choice
Select a choice
Select a choice
Select a choice
Select a choice
Select a choice

*Please note: voting roles are limited and if the committee already has a primary and an alternate, you will be added in a non-voting capacity and notified accordingly


How Did You Hear About the Group(s)

Please briefly describe what you hope to learn from working on the previously listed AAMI group(s) and what contribution you hope to make to the process. Please note: this application will be returned if this section is not filled out.

Personal Statement

Please click on the links below to read each policy and statement and acknowledge (by *initialing* each box), that you have read, understand and agree to abide by each, for all standards committees in which you participate currently and in the future:


Agreement and Certification

I agree to abide by the AAMI Anti-trust Policy
I agree to abide by the AAMI Conflict of Interest Policy
I agree to abide by the AAMI Patent Policy
I agree to abide by the AAMI Committee Code of Conduct
I agree to abide by the AAMI Guidance on Standards Use
I agree to notify AAMI of any change in my status, including change in emplyment, organization represented, or funding source.


I agree that any and all text and other works of authorship I submit to the AAMI for possible inclusion in whole or in part in a standard, technical report or other publication, shall belong to AAMI and shall be deemed "works made for hire" for AAMI as defined in the U.S. Copyright Act, and that AAMI or its assignees shall be the author therof. To the extent that any of my Contributions are deemed other than works made for hire for AAMI, I hereby assign to AAMI my copyright interest therein, if any.

By signing my name below, I certify that I have read the above information and that all of the information on this application is true and accurate.
By initialing and signing this form electronically, you understand and intend that you are creating an electronic signature that will have the same legal force and effect as a handwritten signature.
Note: Navigating away from this page at any time may cause you to lose your progress.

You will receive a confirmation email shortly after you complete this form. If you run into any issues please reach out to