Corporate Membership

Corporate members are comprised of organizations that are engaged in the lifecycle or supply chain for medical devices and health technology, consult on medical devices and health technology, or otherwise provide products and services relevant to AAMI’s mission.

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Drive Standards Development

Have a voice and a vote at the standards table by participating in 230+ committees and working groups to develop national and international standards alongside regulators, government agencies, and other leading companies in the industry.

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Lead the Industry

Chair/co-chair an AAMI standards committee as a member and participate on committees alongside regulators, government agencies, and global standards organizations, your opportunity to provide leadership within standards activities of importance to your company.


Unlock Discounts

Take advantage of discounts on advertising, exhibiting opportunities, eSubscriptions, publications, public and custom enterprise training, job postings, and much more!


Connect and Network

Be a part of the conversation with online access to AAMI Connect, a members-only discussion platform covering hundreds of topics, and network with the global health technology community at any one of AAMI’s conferences and events.


Professional Development

Develop your leadership skills by serving on one of AAMI’s many boards, committees, and councils. Enjoy your member discount on training courses, and consider a private, customized course delivered in-house, in-person or virtually to your company. Write articles, present a workshop, serve on a panel—the possibilities are endless!

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Be in the Know

Enjoy online access to AAMI News, streaming the most important news in health technology; BI&T, our peer reviewed journal covering trends, technical advances, and industry developments; as well as topical e-newsletters and special editions.



If an individual is employed part-or full-time by a company or consulting firm working in the medical device or health technology field and wants to participate in AAMI's standards development program, the company or consulting firm must pay a committee fee. If the company or consulting firm joins AAMI as a corporate member, the committee fee is waived. If an individual is a clinician and wants to participate in AAMI's standards development program, individual AAMI membership is not required. For more information about this, please contact Membership at
Access to AAMI's roster tool is only available to the organization's primary representative. If you are the primary rep, make sure you are logged in and navigate to your profile page. Select the "Organizational Roster" tab in the left navigation bar. From there, you can make changes to your employee and rep roster. You can view this short video that walks you through each function.
No problem. You can reset your password by clicking on the "Forgot your password?" link at the bottom left of the login page. If you need to update your username, call us at 1-800-332-2264 or email
We can help you determine your company's membership status. Call AAMI at 1-800-332-2264 or email