Cochair Training and Resources

Cochairs play a critical role in the development and adoption of AAMI standards. Cochairs are selected from representatives of industry, government, and the user community. In their capacity as cochairs, these healthcare professionals lead a work group of colleagues through the process of drafting, reviewing, editing, and finally publishing what are considered best practices for the industry. As part of their duties, cochairs play an important role in communicating the value and meaning of AAMI standards to stakeholder groups inside and outside of AAMI.
Because cochairs are drawn from various stakeholder groups within the healthcare industry, they understand the needs and the culture of those who will implement the standards. However, cochairs are subject matter experts and not standards development specialists. To draw upon the widest pool of potential leaders, AAMI has an interest in developing and mentoring new cochairs who are inexperienced in leading a standards development process. AAMI staff are professionals in the standards development process and provide direct assistance to cochairs in executing the key responsibilities of the role.
To further the goal of providing guidance to AAMI cochairs, both experienced and inexperienced, AAMI has written a reference guide to help these essential participants in the AAMI process better understand their role and perform their duties.
The concepts incorporated in this guide should not be considered inflexible or static. This guide will be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect best practices in leading standards committees and working groups. It will also draw upon the recommendations of AAMI cochairs.
Suggestions for improving this guide are invited. Comments and suggested revisions should be sent to Standards Department:
AAMI Guide for Cochairs
This manual provides guidance for AAMI committee and working group cochairs; it is not applicable to ISO or IEC working group convenors.
Cochair Video Series
Based on the online manual, this series of informative videos describes the roles and responsibilities of being a cochair of an AAMI committee or working group.