Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs)
For each IEC TC and SC on which the USNC is a participating (āPā) member, there shall be a U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG). Exceptions to this policy require the specific approval of the USNC TMC.
4.1 Criteria for Viability
A viable USNC TAG is defined as one that has:
a) an appointed TAG Administrator that is an ANSI Member (organization, company, or government agency) or that pays the equivalent fee;
b) an appointed TA (who is usually also the Secretary);
c) an appointed TAG Secretary;
d) three (3) or more Voting Members, including those who have paid requisite fees and those with approved waivers (such as Resource Experts and Consumer Advocates). (See Section 7 Membership); and
e) TMC-endorsed TAG Operating Procedures.
4.2 TAG Validation Process
AAMI administered TAGs have been validated under these Unique Operating Procedures in accordance with the TAG Validation Process provided in section 3.2 of the 2014 USNC TAG Model Operating Procedures. Section 4.2 describes the conditions that will require TAG revalidation
4.3 TAG Revalidation Process
Revalidation is required if the TAG no longer utilizes these Unique Operating Procedures or if these Unique Procedures are revised substantively. Revalidation is also required for all TAGs upon significant revision of the Model Operating Procedures. Sufficient time will be provided to revalidate.
Note: It is anticipated that TAG Secretaries will be reminded of their obligations to revalidate by the USNC staff in a statement included in the annual notice regarding TAG membership and fees.
Continue to Part 5 - TAG Functions and Responsibilities