UNSC/IEC TAGs - Termination of a TAG
Failure to meet the requirements of Clause 4.1 – Criteria for Viability is reason for termination of the TAG (by the TMC).
Any directly and materially affected interest may propose to terminate a TAG. The proposal shall be submitted in writing to the USNC General Secretary and to the TA and TAG Secretary and shall include the reasons why the TAG should be terminated. The TAG shall take action in accordance with 9.6. Based on the results of the vote and concurrence of the TMC, the USNC General Secretary shall take action promptly to change the USNC’s TC/SC registration accordingly.
In the event that the U.S. holds the secretariat for an IEC TC or SC for which the TAG is considering termination, the organization serving as Administrative Secretariat shall be informed promptly and shall submit their position regarding termination of the TAG to the USNC General Secretary.
As a result of action taken in accordance with 10.6, should termination of the TAG be approved, notification of such action shall be announced in ANSI’s Standards Action publication. The announcement shall note that dissolution of the TAG will result in the U.S. relinquishing its participating (“P”) status in the international activity. Also, if the U.S. serves as international Secretariat, the announcement shall state that the U.S. will resign this position. The appropriate notification(s) shall be sent to the IEC Central Office regarding the change in status, and the relinquishment of the Secretariat, if applicable.
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