UNSC/IEC TAGs - Membership
Membership shall be open to all U.S. national interested parties who indicate that they are directly and materially affected by the activity of the USNC TAG, after being informed concerning the USNC TAG’s working procedures and scope of activities. Only U.S. National Interested Parties shall have voting membership on USNC TAGs.
There shall be no undue financial barriers to participation. The USNC assesses a USNC TAG Individual Participation Fee which is collected annually by the USNC Office. Some categories of membership are exempt from this fee, e.g. Resource Experts, USNC Honorary Life Members, Consumer Advocates, etc. In addition, AAMI may charge a fee to recover administrative expenses, but in all cases procedures for requesting a waiver of the fees shall be available. Participation shall not be conditional upon membership in any organization, or unreasonably restricted on the basis of technical qualifications or other such requirements. See Section 12 for appeal of USNC TAG Administrator imposed participation fees.
Any interested U.S. National Interested Party who is subject to an AAMI fee for participation may request a fee waiver or reduction of that fee as an undue financial burden by submission of a written petition to the TAG Administrator (AAMI) through the TAG Secretary.
If a request for a fee waiver or reduction as an undue financial burden is denied and the matter cannot be resolved by negotiation between the requestor and the TAG Administrator (AAMI), the denial may be appealable under section 12 of these procedures.
7.1 Maintenance of Rosters
The USNC Office shall be the office of record for USNC TAG membership rosters. An individual becomes a USNC TAG member only upon completion of the requirements below, payment of any fees, and upon addition to the USNC Roster.
7.2 Application
A request for membership shall be addressed to the TA or USNC TAG Secretary, and shall indicate:
a) name and complete contact information of member applicant (See ANNEX E for an example of one that may be used by a USNC TAG)
b) a Curriculum Vitae highlighting the applicant’s technical qualifications, along with information detailing a direct and material interest in the USNC TAG’s work
c) the applicant’s willingness to participate actively (See Section 7.14 - Membership Obligations)
d) the applicant’s interest category (See Annex B4.2)
e) whether the applicant is a representative of an organization, company, or government agency
Note: Applicants are expected to understand and abide by the ANSI conflict of interest policy
7.3 Recommendation
The TA/USNC TAG Secretary shall consider:
a) the appropriateness of the involvement of each interest in the work of the USNC TAG
b) the potential for dominance by a single interest
a) the extent of interest expressed by the applicant, and the applicant’s willingness to participate actively
The TA/USNC TAG Secretary may consider reasonable limits on USNC TAG size.
7.4 New Members
The USNC TAG shall vote on the acceptance of new members based upon the information from sections 7.1 and 7.2.
7.5 Diverse Interests
The policy of “One Organization, One Vote” applies. If, however, representatives from distinct entities of an organization can demonstrate independent interests and authority to make independent decisions in the area of the activity of the USNC TAG, each may apply for membership.
7.6 Combined Interests
When appropriate, the TA/USNC TAG Secretary may recommend that the applicant seek representation through an organization that is already represented by a member who represents the same or similar interests.
7.7 Resource Expert
Each AAMI-administered TAG shall be allowed to designate, each year, one individual as a “RESOURCE EXPERT” (RE) for the USNC TAG. If a USNC TAG wishes to nominate an additional RE, justification must be submitted to the USNC Office. The RE should be an individual whose knowledge and expertise are deemed vital for the USNC TAG’s work and is unable to obtain the needed funding for USNC TAG membership from their employer or other sources. This RE shall be exempt from paying applicable annual USNC TAG
Participation Fee. The USNC TAG RE shall be nominated by the TA, elected by vote of the USNC TAG, and confirmed by the USNC Office for a period of one year. The RE shall count towards the minimum number of USNC TAG participants required to establish a viable USNC TAG.
7.8 U.S. Conveners and Experts
U.S. Conveners and Experts shall be members of their respective USNC TAGs. Such individuals are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. An AAMI TAG member wishing to be appointed by the U.S. as an expert to a particular MT/PT/WG shall submit a request to the TA or AAMI TAG Secretary accompanied by:
a) A Curriculum Vitae (CV) highlighting experience in the specific technical area
b) A letter from the applicant’s employer confirming support for the participation
The AAMI TAG Secretary shall circulate a ballot to the USNC TAG along with a copy of the CV to confirm support for the U.S. appointment. The ballot should highlight the following areas for consideration by USNC TAG members:
a) Experts should have significant experience in the subject, as technical expertise in the subject of the Maintenance Team, Project Team, or Working Group is critical
b) Experts should be involved in national standardization for the subject
c) Experts should represent personal knowledge, not company or national position
d) Experts should have strong communication skills
e) Experts should be able to travel and participate in meetings
f) Experts are expected to actively participate in the development of U.S. comments
g) Multiple experts from the same company division, product line, or service line should be avoided except when transitioning from one expert to another, such as due to an impending retirement
h) Balance between interest groups such as those shown below is desirable, but may not be practical:
i. Producer - Individuals who are involved in the production, manufacture, or distribution of the type of product or system that is included in the Scope of the standard(s) under the purview of the MT/PT/WG. This includes individuals involved in the design, engineering support, manufacturing, testing, and/or marketing of the type of product or system; or who are employed by or represent a producer, manufacturer, or distribution of the type of product or system.
ii. User - Individuals who are involved in using the type of product or system that is included in the Scope of the standard(s) under the purview of the MT/PT/WG, but who are not involved with the production, manufacture or distribution of that type of product or system.
iii. Testing / Certification - Individuals who represent organizations that provide testing, assessment and/or certification of the type of product or system that is included in the Scope of the standard(s) under the purview of the MT/PT/WG.
iv. Regulatory / Inspection - Individuals who represent governmental entities having regulatory or inspection interest in or influence over the type of product or system that is included in the Scope of the standard(s) under the purview of the MT/PT/WG.
v. Special Expert - Individuals who have expertise in an aspect of the type of product or system that are not covered by another interest group.
After a positive vote of the USNC TAG, the USNC TAG Secretary will notify the USNC Office of the proposed appointment using the designated USNC Expert Appointment form. The USNC Office will then confirm USNC TAG membership or invoice the proposed expert the USNC TAG Individual Participation Fee. Upon receipt of payment, the official appointment will be made in the IEC Expert Management System. Note that a fee may not be assessed to some participants: e.g. Resource Experts, USNC Honorary Life Members, USNC Premier Member companies, or Consumer Advocates.
7.9 Appointed Delegates to TC/SC Meetings
All U.S. delegates to TC/SC meetings shall be members of the USNC TAG. Such delegates are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Observers to TC/SC meetings need not be members of the USNC TAG but shall be approved by the USNC TAG.
7.10 Consumer Advocate
Annually, each USNC TAG can nominate one Consumer Advocate to the USNC Office and, with the endorsement of the USNC TMC in accordance with the related Waiver Procedure, the annual USNC TAG Individual Participation Fee can be waived. An authorized Consumer Advocate shall count towards the minimum number of USNC TAG participants required to establish a viable USNC TAG.
7.11 Liaison Participants
USNC TAGs may designate Liaison participants from other bodies with which ongoing contact is desired. These contacts are exempt from the USNC TAG Individual Participation Fee and do not vote. They include the following:
a) desired contacts for all Full IEC Members of FINCA (Forum of the IEC National Committees of the Americas), subject to the authorization of the related USNC TAG(s)
b) entities with which the USNC TAG desires to maintain technical liaison
c) leadership for USNC TAGs for SCs participating in the USNC TAG for the parent TC, and the Leadership for the USNC TAG of the TC participating in the USNC TAGs for the SCs. This reciprocal relationship is highly recommended.
7.12 Ex- Officio Participants
USNC TAGs may include Ex-Officio participants by virtue of their office. These contacts are exempt from the USNC TAG Individual Participation Fee and do not vote. They include the following:
a) U.S. Chair or Vice Chair of related IEC TCs/SCs
b) U.S. Secretaries or Assistant Secretaries of related IEC TCs/SCs
7.13 Observers
Individuals and representatives of organizations having an interest in the USNC TAG’s work may request listing as Observers. The request for Observer status should be submitted in writing to the USNC TAG Secretary. Observers shall be advised of the USNC TAG activities, shall have access to new USNC TAG documents made available during the period of Observer status, and may attend meetings, but shall not vote. They are subject to the USNC TAG Individual Participation Fee.
7.14 Representation of Interests
All directly and materially affected U.S. national interested parties shall have the opportunity for fair and equitable participation without dominance by any single interest.
Dominance means a position or exercise of dominant authority, leadership, or influence by reason of superior leverage, strength, or representation. The requirement implicit in the phrase “without dominance by any single interest” normally will be satisfied if a reasonable balance among interests can be achieved.
Unless it is claimed by a directly and materially affected person that a single interest dominated the standards activity, to the exclusion of fair and equitable consideration of other viewpoints, no test for dominance is required.
7.15 Membership Roster
The TA or USNC TAG Secretary shall maintain a roster of USNC TAG participants:
The roster shall include the following:
a) title and designation of the USNC TAG
b) Technical Advisor(s)
c) Deputy Technical Advisor(s) (same as for TA)
d) USNC TAG Administrator/Secretary
e) Other USNC TAG Officers (if applicable)
f) Voting Members, including USNC Honorary Life Members, Resource Experts and Consumer Advocates and each individual’s designated category
g) U.S. Conveners and Experts
h) Non-Voting Participants including:
• USNC TAG-appointed Liaisons
• Observers
The TA or USNC TAG Secretary shall submit updates to the USNC Office (USNC@ansi.org) when changes occur. The roster shall include the affiliation, mailing, phone, and email information of each participant.
7.16 Membership Obligations
Members are expected to participate actively by fulfilling attendance, voting, correspondence, paying dues and any other obligations. Members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner.
7.17 Review of Membership
The TA/USNC TAG Secretary shall review the membership list annually with respect to the criteria in 7.1-7.16. Members are expected to participate actively by fulfilling attendance, voting, correspondence, and other obligations. Where a member is found in default of these obligations, the TA/USNC TAG Secretary shall direct the matter to the USNC TAG for appropriate action, which may include termination of membership or revocation of appointment as a USNC Expert. The USNC Office and USNC TAG Secretary shall coordinate the reconciliation of USNC TAG rosters on an annual basis.