UNSC/IEC TAGs - Meetings
9.1 Meetings of the TAG and meetings of the USNC delegates to international meetings should be scheduled to respond to international activities. TAG meetings shall be held, as determined by the Chairman/TA or TAG Secretary or by petition of a majority of the members. TAG meetings can be either Face-to-Face (In-Person), via electronic format (i.e. interactive web conferencing or audio conferencing), or a combination of the two.
9.2 A TAG may, from time to time, invite guests to attend TAG meetings or conferencing calls. In general, guests that may be invited are individuals with particular expertise who can provide information in order to help the TAG develop the U.S. position on a particular issue. If a guest has a more permanent interest in the work of the TAG, they should be invited to consider Voting Membership or Observer status.
9.3 Members shall not make verbatim recordings by any means (including, but not limited to, audible or written recordings) unless first authorized by unanimous approval of the meeting’s attendees. If authorization is granted, the TAG Secretary will notify TAG members attending the meeting or conference call of that authorization prior to the recording of the meeting or conference. Furthermore, if authorization is granted, the recording shall be made available to the TAG by the person(s) making the recording.
9.4 The quorum for an AAMI-administered USNC-TAG shall consist of those members present at a meeting, either in person or via telephone. For the purpose of voting on IEC documents, the quorum shall consist of those persons responding formally to a request for a voting recommendation. The voting requirements shall be in accordance with clauses 10.5 and 10.6 of these Operating Procedures.
9.5 TAG members are responsible to fund their own participation at TAG meetings. The TAG Administrator is not required to fund any participation costs.
9.6 Meetings of the TAG shall be open to all members. At least four weeks’ notice of regularly scheduled meetings shall be given by the TA or TAG Secretary, which may be publicly announced in ANSI’s Standards Action publication, the AAMI Standards Monitor, AAMI’s Committee Central website, or in other media designed to reach directly and materially affected interests. The notice shall describe the purpose of the meeting and shall identify a readily available source for further information. An agenda shall be available and shall be distributed in advance of the meeting to members and to others expressing interest.
Continue to Part 10 - Voting