UNSC/IEC TAGs - Functions and Responsibilities
Among the responsibilities of a TAG are the following:
a) Nominate a Technical Advisor (TA) or multiple Technical Advisors, Deputy Technical Advisor(s), and TAG Administrator, as appropriate.
b) Recommend registration of USNC as a participating (“P”) or observer (“O”) member of an IEC TC or SC, or recommend a change in membership status.
c) Initiate and approve U.S. proposals for New Work and Maintenance Items for consideration by the related IEC TC or SC.
d) Initiate and approve U.S. working drafts for submittal to IEC TC and SC (and, where applicable, WG) for consideration as draft proposals.
e) Establish the U.S. consensus positions on an IEC Document for Comment (DC), New Work Item Proposal (NP), Working Draft (WD), Committee Draft (CD), Committee Draft for Vote (CDV), Final Draft International Standard (FDIS), and other appropriate IEC documents.
f) Identify TAG members to become USNC representatives to IEC TC or SC meetings, confirm TA Head of Delegation or, designate alternate Heads of Delegations and members of delegations.
g) Assure that necessary funds needed to carry out the U.S. work in the related IEC TC/SC are secure. This includes the financing necessary for activities of delegates and experts. (Note: This does not imply that the TAG will cover the expenses for the delegates and experts.)
h) Determine U.S. consensus positions on agenda items of IEC TC and SC (and, where appropriate, WG) meetings, and advise the USNC TAG delegation or WG expert of these positions and of any flexibility that may exist concerning them.
i) Nominate U.S. Experts, Project Leaders and Conveners to serve on IEC working groups and similar groups4.
j) Provide assistance to U.S. Secretaries of IEC TCs or SCs upon request, including resolving comments on DCs, NPs, WDs, CDs, CDVs, and FDISs.
k) Identify and establish close liaison with other U.S. TAGs in related fields, or identify ISO or IEC activities that may overlap the TAG’s scope. (See ANNEX C – Procedure for USNC Coordination of Subject Matter of Interest to Two or More Technical Committees or Subcommittees)
l) Recommend to USNC the acceptance of Secretariats for IEC TCs or SCs after considering the obligations and responsibilities that include individuals with related expertise and source of secretarial services with funding.
m) Recommend that USNC invite IEC TCs or SCs to meet in the United States after considering the obligations and responsibilities, which include available facilities and funding.
n) Recommend to USNC U.S. candidates for Chairs of IEC TCs or SCs after considering the obligations and responsibilities of that office and whether a candidate has the experience, time, and funding.
4When the USNC has the opportunity to name U.S. Conveners or Experts to IEC Working Groups (WGs), Project Teams (PTs), Maintenance Teams (MTs), etc. it is the responsibility of the related TAG to nominate the best qualified individual(s) to do the job. Such individuals must be adequately supported to accomplish their mission. The names and addresses of the nominees are submitted by the TA/TAG Secretary to the USNC General Secretary, who in turn officially submits them to the related TC/SC Secretary. Changes in U.S. Experts on Working Groups shall also be transmitted through the USNC General Secretary to the TC/SC Secretary.
Continue to Part 6 - TAG Administrator/TAG Secretary