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Call for Education Session Proposals


Share Your Knowledge at AAMI eXchange 2025


— Scheduled to open mid-August 2025 —


At this moment of reinvention, knowledge sharing is the key to evolution and advancement. Each of us have new lessons learned, connections to emerging innovations, and stories of triumph over challenges we could never have predicted. Please consider sharing your experiences and expertise with the AAMI community and be a part of driving the evolution of our profession.

Session Topics

    • AI
    • Career & Professional Development
    • Cybersecurity
    • Equipment Management
    • HTM Recruitment & Retention
    • Regulatory & Patient Safety
    • Sterilization
    • Technical Training
    • Telehealth & Hospital-at-Home
    • Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality (VR/AR)
    Submission Criteria

    All submissions are reviewed by members of AAMI's eXchange Program Committee. Reviewers will use the following criteria to select the most appropriate submissions for inclusion in AAMI eXchange 2025.

    It’s important to remember that proposals will be reviewed only once and used in promotional conference materials. Therefore, it is essential that your submission—which serves to introduce the body of work or topic for presentation—is well-written, accurate, and meets the following criteria:

    • Relevance to the health technology community. Topics must be relevant to the activities, initiatives, or direction of the health technology professional. AAMI offers a list of broad topic areas that you may consider for your presentation; however, your topic is not limited to these areas.
    • Timeliness and originality. Proposals will be evaluated on the timeliness and innovation of the program or service, and significance to the health technology professional.
    • Educational presentation. All presentation proposals must be educational in nature. Proposals that are written in a manner that promotes a product, company, or service, will not be considered for acceptance.
    • Educational formats. There are several educational formats available to accommodate a variety of teaching styles and learning preferences. AAMI strongly encourages speakers to provide opportunities for attendees to ask questions, discuss problems and solutions, and to interact informally with the faculty and with each other.
    • Balance. Descriptions must be written in a manner that clearly, concisely, and logically conveys the subject matter's background, purpose, and learning objectives.
    Presenter FAQs
    • Do you have to be an AAMI member to present?
    • Can teams or groups submit a proposal together?
      Yes. You can submit as a group of up to (3) three presenters.
    • Do you have to present in person?
      Yes. Remote presentations are not available at this time.
    • Does AAMI compensate for travel?
      No. Travel, lodging, and meal expenses are the responsibility of the speaker. AAMI does provide a full complimentary conference registration.
    • Do I have to pay for my registration if I am accepted as a presenter?
      No. AAMI will provide you with a full complementary conference registration.
    • When will I be notified if my proposal has been accepted?
      Notifications will be emailed in December 2024.

    Email the AAMI eXchange staff at