Justify Your Attendance
Below are practical tips for sharing the value of this event with your supervisor to justify your attendance.
Directly Connect Your Professional Development and Your Organization’s Goals to AAMI eXchange Education.
- Review the AAMI eXchange education program and choose specific sessions that best meet your goals. Share this and the 2025 registration website page with your supervisor.
- If you are applying for or maintaining your ACI certification, communicate that this event will allow you to earn up to 15 CEUs.
Emphasize How Your Entire Organization Will Benefit From Your Attendance.
- Consider what you can do to involve your team members to maximize your organization’s return on investment (ROI).
- Track all of the knowledge resources you will acquire.
- Identify how you will directly apply the information to your role.
- Ask your colleagues about their emerging needs.
- Visit the exhibit hall to bring back contacts and information on products and services that can save you and your team valuable time and money.
- Share speaker handouts with your colleagues and hold a lunch and learn to dissect the new or applicable concepts.
- Volunteer to present on key conference themes and/or host a Q&A with your department.
Post Conference Reporting
Commit to your manager up front that you will prepare and share a conference report with him/her and the team. A conference report of one to three pages conveys key information about the conference to people who did not attend, and ensures that you will transmit its value effectively to your organization.
Examples of information you might include in the report are:
- Executive summary of key themes, concerns, ideas, and practices discussed.
- Main Stage session highlights.
- Specific education sessions highlights.
- HTM materials and AAMI publications.
- Networking event takeaways (new contacts, why they are important, who will follow up and when).
- Information about products and services gathered from conversations with vendors in the exhibit hall.
- Program ideas or recommendations picked up or thought of while at the meeting.
- Consider working on the trip report while at the conference or during your travel back home. This is when the information is freshest in your mind, so it makes the trip report much easier to write and quicker to deliver
Provide the Conference Information and Cost Considerations in One Place.
- Customize our Justification Letter Template which summarizes how the eXchange will help you advance your professional development, make valuable networking connections, and improve your organization.
- Customize the communication to break down the specific costs.
Contact AAMI eXchange staff at eXchange@aami.org