Bright Ideas Awards

To submit your nomination, fill out the online form

AAMI’s annual “Bright Ideas” program recognizes innovative healthcare technology management (HTM) departments that are implementing creative solutions to today’s challenges.

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AAMI’s Technology Management Council (TMC) is seeking specific examples of HTM initiatives that have enhanced patient safety, reduced costs, and/or improved hospital processes. This is your chance to showcase your HTM department’s outstanding work!

The TMC will choose six departments to be profiled in a feature article published in AAMI publications throughout 2024. Each Bright Ideas article focuses on the actions or processes HTM departments have implemented to tackle a specific problem or improve patient care.

In addition, one of the six profiled departments will be selected to receive this Bright Ideas award.

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Additional Information

All winners will be interviewed by an AAMI editor, so you and your colleagues must be willing and able to provide complete details of your initiative, as well as provide supporting article files (e.g., photos, tables and/or figures showing relevant data).

To submit your nomination, fill out the online form.

For more information, contact

Award Winners


James Linton

St. Clair College

AAMI Bright Ideas Award

General Awards


New Boots on the Ground Revolutionize Hospital Equipment Management

Arkansas Childrens Hospital, Sheila Johnson

AAMI Bright Ideas Award

General Awards

See All Winners